Pippa for Rehab

This is one of our neighbours, Pippa the Welsh Cob (I've been told).  She strolls one of the fields next to us munching quietly the many varieties of green fare, weeds and all.

Well today I saw that she was being loaded on to this horse box and went to investigate (get a Blip).  She is off somewhere else to lose a bit of weight.  I didn't ask how or where, but chatted to her owners and their son (I don't know why he had a mask fitted).  I got the feeling that Pippa was looking at me when I grabbed this shot.

And I learned a lesson, again, to check my ISO setting.  I have the front wheel set to adjust the ISO on my Fuji X100F and I must have knocked it because it was up at 51,200.  But the image didn't suffer, and it required only minor fiddling in Capture One to reduce the noise to imperceptible.

And not long after this scene, No 1 son and his daughters arrived for Father's Day – well, to drop off acard and his roof box for me to store in our enormous garage loft, but we got many hugs in payment, as well as some chocolate cake :-)

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