Happy Fathers Day

My son got a personalized Superhero bobblehead and this classy Tshirt to celebrate his dad-hood. Mr S grilled some fab chicken for dinner and we had a good time around the picnic table, even with the fog coming in on its little cat feet.

Here is a Fathers Day message, written by my son:

To those whose fathers have passed:
They aren't gone. They are in us. We honor the life we have been given and become the best reflection and representation of what we want to see in this world.

To all "father figures":
When our dads weren't around, you have shown us what it means to be an adult. You showed us how to love by loving us. You guide, direct, provide and protect. Thank you for being our mentors and role models.

To all parents:
Know this day is not about us- today is about those who will follow us after we are gone. Today celebrates the most important gift we will ever be entrusted with. We treat our children like the blessings they are.

To all single mothers:
I can't imagine. You are more powerful than I can comprehend. You are the fathers when we couldn't be.

To all "step"dads:
Thank you for stepping up and making us your own. You have no idea how important you are. There is room to love you as you are, not as a replacement or a stand-in, but a parent.

To all dads:
Being a father is more than creating a child. Being a father means we are responsible for lives we have created…spend more time, laugh more, hug more…remember this moment is fleeting and will never be again. We blink and they are grown…we must be the best dads we can be NOW.

And finally, to our children:
We are human. Despite our flaws, we commit to put you first and love you without condition. You teach us patience, forgiveness and understanding. You show us what true love is. True love is being a father, regardless of how it looks on the outside.

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