
By Marionb

Blowin' in the Wind...

Quite the day weather-wise. A downpour in the morning, then heat and sunshine and finally, high winds. Once again it was packing day; I am heading north to the cottage tomorrow morning, so with all the usual last minute errands and packing, it was a busy day and I didn't get out for a walk with my camera until early evening. Last minute grocery shopping took me down by the lake and with those high winds, I thought it would be a good place to take a break and walk along the shore watching the waves whipping in. There were still a few hangers-on at the beach - and some youngsters still playing in the water..but for the most part, it was deserted...a nice place to just walk and wind down, at least temporarily. Still lots to do tonight to get ready to leave tomorrow, but that's my usual modus operandi.  Everything is last minute. One of these days, I am going to master the art of planning, preparation, and of these days....

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