the weight of beauty...

...on the daffodil

everything i did today - i did late... not that that's a big deal - it's just how my day was - is... how some days are... even with posting my blip - it's later than the norm - because i was fussing about with it - making it so and it got me to thinking...

how my daff's are on their last leg - unfortunately they don't hang around very long once they've opened up - blooming time is pretty short - boo! today - to help them appear a bit prettier - i enhanced them with some waterdrops... like they really needed to be enhanced - their natural beauty isn't enough? what they were intended to be - i'm not happy with? no, that's not the case... i only wanted to increase their potential - some were looking a bit droopy - i suppose when it comes to flowers, this is an okay thing to do - apply artificial tools or reinforcements and such -

but my thoughts ran to us humans - and what we do with the weight of beauty - when we think we aren't enough... not pretty enough - don't look good enough - not the right size - right weight - don't measure up to whatever scale it is we think we're being measured against... then what? some of us might apply make-up - go on diets - take medicine to help - or a plethora of other supposed antidotes to make us feel better - so we're tooling alongside the joneses... how right is that? it's a plight of our society, isn't it?

yesterday - i had a dental appointment - yuk! i overslept... who wouldn't? fortunately, i got a call reminding me - saying they'd wait - yay! who does that anymore... i rushed to throw on clothes, brush my teeth - of course - and wash my face - however, i didn't have time to even consider taking a few minutes to put any kind of make-up on my face... most times i don't use much anyway - a bit to protect me since my skin cancer diagnosis plus some blush - that's it - yet couldn't do it yesterday - i left the house with a bare face... no one said boo to me the whole time i was out - did they notice? did they care? or did they not notice? i don't know - to tell you the truth - i forgot i didn't have anything on my face within minutes - it was so unimportant to me - let people see my real face - the me of who i am - that's the message we need to be sending to our generations - allowing them freedom to explore the bigger issues - not be wrapped up in the mire of the weight of beauty - therefore knowing - for all of us - it's made for...


happy day.....

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