Roll With It

Funny how some people don’t have a problem parking outside the Grosvenor Hotel in the centre of Chester!
Not sure exactly which model of Rolls it is, but the number plate would suggest that it has a V12 engine, and is something to do with the dealers, Rybrook. I suppose it would be churlish to point out that spacing the number plate as they have done is actually illegal!
A much quieter day today. Walked in and out of town via the city walls. Pleased to see the repairs to Northgate have now finished and that it is once again possible to do a full circuit (I didn’t quite manage it as I came off at Eastgate and got back on at Newgate, after a bit of shopping). Boots were running a promotion for us over 60s - got to be some perks to reaching that ripe old age - so I took “advantage” and earned an extra £5 worth of points on the loyalty card as well as being given a free moisturiser to help with “tired and dull looking skin”. Nothing like rubbing in the fact that I’m past my prime!
Back home to Kendal this afternoon. Our joiner wants to start work next week, so we have a fair bit of work to do getting rooms cleared. One thing for certain - room clearance will be combined with serious decluttering. Once the house is decorated, we will not be filling the walls and surfaces with pictures and ornaments, so there should be a fair few items heading towards the car boot sale this weekend!

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