Breakfast time

I was out this evening with a friend to go and watch the beavers again.  We stood waiting at the spot where they often come out from their lodge along with several other people but they didn't appear.  The group headed further upstream and we followed a little later.  The female was seen eating her breakfast close to the river bank.  After awhile she swam further upstream and we all followed taking photos as we went.  She stopped to have a chew at some branches, see extras. We spotted another kit swimming nearby as well, after awhile we decided to head back home.  As we were getting closer to white bridge a person on the riverbank let us know that there was a kit chewing  at a branch in the river.  We watched this and then it swam out of view but we could hear her/him chomping  away across the river. 

Earlier in the day we had both been out on a walk in Dorset around Trinity Hill nature reserve, we spotted a large skipper butterfly in the woods and also had views of Cannington viaduct.  We had hoped to see some orchids but there were none here but we stopped off at Axmouth to see the Bee Orchids which had developed more since my last visit, see extras.

A good day and evening outing, probably with a good mileage altogether.

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