My Best Efforts - Year 3


Early Start........ one of my "ladies" had an early appointment at the Hospital. This particular field is still under some standing water - must have really bad drainage as there has been no rain for a while and snow has been minimal. I rather liked the colours in the sky and the reflection of them in the water.
It is difficult to say what sort of day will develop as it is now clouding in.
When we reached the Hospital, we were in and out again in minutes (surprise, surprise) as Mrs. H only had to have a monitor "thing" removed so am home again very quickly.
Better than the day when I took someone else for 8.30am and didn't get home until 6.45pm !!!

Weather started off as you see it - it is now cloudy but with some brightness. Temperature up at 7 deg.C so nowhere near as cold.

As usual you can click lower case "L" on your keyboard to enlarge or Larger

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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