Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Another wet day but it hasn't rained all the time.
We did a circuit of another part of the island where we had some fabulous sightings.
Following yet more advice gained from twitchers we took Jorgie for a walk at Loch Don, a known golden eagle site. Sadly rain stopped play there before we could locate the birds. We've been told before the goldies hunker down in wet weather so it was no surprise to us that we didn't see one.

Driving on towards Loch Beg we spotted a Short Eared Owl hunting over the grass. Too flighty for a shot but luck was on our side further along.
A pair of owls were flying close to a lane and I joined another photographer trying to capture them. Turned out to be a guy who was on the morning eagle trip on Tuesday and he remembered seeing me on the pontoon!!!
I've never seen SE owls before so I'm thrilled to have a few distant shots of them.
While there I got some of curlews.

Eventually we drove on and as we pulled over to make some lunch we spotted a distant flying Eagle. Still can't tell if it's s goldie or a juvenile WTE.

Finally whilst stopped on the shores of Loch Na Keal again, we spotted Martin Clunes filming a documentary with local wildlife photographer Hamza Yassin.
Just look at the length of that guys hair!

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