Flower Friday....Poppy

I was thrilled yesterday afternoon to find some of my favourite poppies opening in the garden. There were very few of this variety last year, if any at all.....thanks to Bikerbear for hosting:)
Excercise and dance this morning and I felt good for the work out. Home after a quick supermarket shop . This afternoon I found two dahlias I knew I had, near the willow tree, just coming through, so I dug them up and potted them, just enough compost left, and two more pots to add to the collection ...A nice afternoon, after over night rain, going to relax now, expecting a Whatsapp from my friend in Lincoln this evening....meanwhile, Swann6 has said her goodbyes to the UK and is on her way to Jersey.....back for visits though :))

Many thanks for looking in and the comments and stars x

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