In the Kitchen

The kitchen window sill is a good place for putting favourite things.  Some of my favourite things at the moment are my home grown sweet peas.  My grandad used to grow them but these are my first attempt.  Going quite well so far.

Dad was up very early this morning so I just checked he was ok and went back to bed.  I got up four hours later.  A very mixed day weatherwise with some damp stuff at various points.  I have done some pruning of stuff ike very prickly dogroses in the communal bit of the lawn so they don't stop my sunflowers growing.  And we have collected our new nespresso coffee machine as the old one had become very good at creating lakes.

I saw Louie for a short time when he came back from his baby group where they had a spa morning!  He was looking very relaxed.  And yesterday he had a fully naked baby massage as part of his therapy!  They start young these days...

I hope you all have a good weekend.

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