Two events of interest

This afternoon we looked after Louie's two doggy mates, Eva and Blu.  They were very good and they recognised Rob as pack leader.  All good.

In extras:

Rose with a spare rib.
Three years ago on a red hot day in Utah, Rose met Barbie on a trip to explore the Mid West of the USA.  A friendship was born and holidays planned as Rose and Barbie live a fair distance apart.  Covid upset them as they couldn't get together.  BUT over the last two weeks they have met twice!   All was well two weeks ago but then Barbie went to Wales on holiday, and always after a good photo opportunity Barbie climbed onto a cannon and went straight over the top   landing on nasty sharp cobbles on the other side.  Barbie has been advised that many 75 year olds do not launch themselves over cannons,  apparently cracking ribs in the process.  Rose and Barbie met for a meal tonight and Rose ordered ribs.  How rude is that?  Rose tried to eat a rib to make amends.  Silly Rose.
Hope Barbie feels much better very soon...

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