Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Morning: activity - Afternoon: sofa…

The ‘new regime’ continues, and in fact, it has been stepped up a gear. Not only did I do the fitness video, and a yoga one, I did the 5 minute arms workout (but without holding the 1kg weights, is that cheating?). But mainly I did a 9 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session on the bike: pedal normally for 2 minutes, then go like the clappers for 20 secs - repeat 4 times. And I actually did it twice. The chap said that this 9 minute exercise is better than 45 minutes cycling normally.

The ‘intermittent fasting’ is hard, because I think about what snack I could have fairly regularly, but I have kept it up now for two days. Sometimes I amaze myself.

JR went off to the gym in the morning - no problem with motivation there - but she’s got a good wee group of pals who are all keen.

Archie went out for a big walk with Elizabeth in the Hermitage. Naughty Archie went off and crossed to the other side of the stream to visit… yes… BOBBY! 

JR and Chrissy went for a big walk round Arthur’s Seat. I declined their invitation because there was an afternoon of sport which would have gone down well with a beer and crisps - tennis first, then Lions v Japan rugby, then Wales v Denmark football (hard luck Wales). I spared JR a second football match in the evening, as she made me a delicious tea to break my fast.

Photo by Elizabeth

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