Full Of Tadpoles & Baby Fish

Up and out first thing for a hack out with Lucy and her pony Will. It was lovely, not too hot and both ponies were very well behaved. We were out for about an hour and a half and we would have gone further but Sushi and I had haircuts booked.

After doing a few bits in Pocklington, Sushi and I took Dylan in the car up the road to the next village for a walk around Londesborough Park. It was gorgeous, fairly quiet and no livestock out so Dylan had a good run around and explore. The pond was looking really pretty and was full of tadpoles and baby fish.

Thank you for all the good wishes for Eldest, he’s starting to feel a lot better now, but fed up with being stuck in Manchester. Hopefully we can go and pick him up on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Sushi is staying out with friends this evening so it was just me and Mr Kit at home, something we’ll have to get used to from September. We are rather late to the party, but we have started watching The Handmaid’s Tale and really enjoying it...still on season 1 so no spoilers please!

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