
By strawhouse

Special Delivery

I've realised that I know nothing about these little robots apart from the fact they pootle around Milton Keynes looking cute.
A quick Google has just told me that they belong to Starship Technologies (sounds like something out if Marvel!!) which was formed by two Skype co-founders. There are 120 of them delivering groceries. parcels and food to people within a 4 mile radius using 10 cameras, ultrasound, radar and GPS to travel along pavements and cross roads.
And they have a cute little flag and flashing lights.
It's the future!
The day got off to a nice start with the Little Misses giving Mr K his cards and presents (iced spiced buns, Whitby buns, Star Bars and Wine gums - they know the way to his heart!!) and a bacon and egg bap which I made. As usual they went into him singing Happy Father's Day to the tune of Happy Birthday. Lovely!!
I took Miss E to rock climbing and tried not to fall asleep while she was in there, then it was home for a delicious Father's Day BBQ (beautifully cooked by Mr K indoors in the griddle pan!) of lamb and beef burgers with all the trimmings. Delicious!
Wales lost to Italy tonight but still went through to the last 16. Whoop whoop!

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