Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Liza: Spring has Sprung!

I might look nonchalant here, but my senses are razor sharp. Toddler with Mom's cane? Woh. That spells disaster. I'm kind of nervous around it anyway. I mean, sometimes Mom accidentally bumps me with her cane - but in the hands of a toddler? Lethal weapon! But I'm happy to report I escaped unscathed.

See those daffodils in bloom?? Spring is really here! This was the first day the children have all been outside, playing on the climber and the slide. Laurie wanted to wait until the ground dried up some and she could pick up all my old poop piles before they could play outside. I love spring and summer, it means open season on toddler hands and faces - I can get my licks in fast before my moms whisk me away. And I can be outside more and keep the squirrels at bay and let the neighbor dogs know who's boss in our yard!

Laurie loves it too, she gets to work in the yard while the children are here, and they help her too. Mr. L is strong! he even broke some sticks for her.

Yes, except for being on the alert for cane disasters and the like, spring outdoors with the children is pretty cool!

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