REACH for the sky.

AKA "+ve phototropism".
I've goofed - TWICE -
Firstly - I forgot to log its start in life.
And then - I had a total lack of inspiration of later, with the odd thing or two as diversions.  However the thumbnail shows both, how much it has grown and the degree of bend towards the light.  It'll probably not get a look in now; unless/until it graces me with a flower.
If you're up for the challenge - try to spot which leaf I rebuilt.

* ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ *
Yesterday was X-ray, today was waiting for a totally unconnected/non-medical phone call which never happened.

For my record only; but no secret:-

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