It grew some.

In fact - it grew Samoa.  It kinda reminded med in a sad/funny way of poor old Terry Pratchett.  His potted Biogs. always started thus:-
"Terry Pratchett was born in 1948 and is still not dead," ALAS no longer true.
Tropaeolum speciosum was born in 2015 and has still not flowered.

It has, however, as I said earlier grew some.  Thank one Barry Silver of USA for the quaint phraseology as a reference to the way Jerra, alias "The Man", almost matched my height in our teens with four years twixt us.  It was planted where the left-hand growth is seen.  I'm sorry to say I didn't check, but will, to see if it has moved around the corner to one, or two, new growth points.

It was one of a batch of 10 plants from "Slack Top" in W. Yorkshire, I think four of which I can still locate.

Yesterday's plant was a Sweet Potato.


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