
By TBay

My babies.

No longer babies at all, but whenever I go into the pen I always say hello babies and they all come rushing for me! Here they are all devouring a cabbage which is at the centre of the melee.

Farming - Chris and Mr Tbay Jnr were both haymaking today. I do hope the weather holds.

More property management for Mr Tbay and I today which included having the two or three slipped tiles on the main roof of the house put back in their proper place. 

Miss H was in a bit of a pickle today as her neck and back were much worse. In the end we arranged for her to be taken to see Miss Whiplash at her home on Exmoor. We had to get Sue , currently of furlough, to drive her there as we are all unable to. She returned a few hours later a lot better!

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