
By Paladian

Butterfly beauty

A slightly off-beat day today. The forecast was for a few clearing showers, which, by the way, were nowhere near Belair, so we decided to head out to an almost next door suburb to an Open Garden.

As soon as we got there it sheeted down with rain, so we waited for a while, before actually getting out of the car. A nice touch was the little bus which took us from the roadside down into the garden, because the drive way was very steep and not so good for worn out knees. The Rower was shivering with cold, so there was no way we were going to stay for very long. Poor soldier, he really feels the cold - whilst I am made of sterner stuff.

But - it was way too cold for buglets, although I really believe that wouldn't be too many in this particular garden anyway - it seemed just too sterile somehow.

However, I did find this poor little Common Grass Blue butterfly on a daisy; it stayed so still for me, and I was able to get a slightly different view of his head, which was appealing.

Better antenna

Then it bucketed down again, so we came home.

Thanks so much for the good wishes about my dental experience yesyerday. I am fighting fit again today.

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