Fun Afternoon

I had a post-op visit with my eye doctor this morning to make sure my eye was doing okay.  Mary Jo was kind enough to give me a ride again.  She thought I didn't quite look "drive-worthy" and she was right.  My right eye was pretty blurry.  After the appointment, and since it was lovely and cool today, we took a little impromptu tour of downtown Bellingham.  My blip is the cake counter at our one-of-a-kind pastry shop appropriately named Pure Bliss.  You'll have to mortgage your house in order to pay for one of the cakes but that's definitely something you'd want to do at least once in your life.  We were both so glad to see that it, plus a couple more of our favorite shops, survived the Covid shut-down.  

Spending time with Mary Jo is one of my very favorite things to do whether it's feeding seagulls, poking about in shops, or trying to find the perfect owl or snow goose photo.  I was a very good day.  

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