
Quiet morning working through my inbox shovelling email and writing lists …..and dropping in to an online graduation at RCS. Packed my stuff and headed for the station to collect S and head north. Beautiful warm sunny weather and it wasn’t long before we got to Newport on Tay and went for a lovely walk along the shore and through fields with hairy coos and lots of birds (with me stopping every now and then to use my app to find out what they were). Chatted on about all sorts, then back in the town we found a little tea shop and sat out in the sun with a cuppa talking garden design options. Very warm…lovely (in saying this I’m most definitely falling into the trap of SQA’s curriculum instructions to teach the ‘benefits’ as well as the dangers of climate change…..good grief!)
We had a little walk along the shore the other way out of the town, admiring the beautiful houses and the view of Dundee, then headed for dinner at The Newport restaurant.stunning location at the water’s edge and beautiful food. We were the only ones having the 3 rather than the 8 course menu but it was lovely…delicious sauces and details.
As we left the restaurant to head for our hotel I stopped to take this sunset….lovely end to a good day and looking forward to our next few days of holiday

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