Making A Mess.

The girls wanted some coloured paper, to draw on and cut out.

Unfortunately, I've run out.  Then I remembered a big packet of coloured tissue paper, sitting in the cupboard upstairs.

There were lots of colours, and they had a great time, cutting, tearing and sticking their pictures.

Once they'd finished it was easy enough to clear up.

Even though we are in lock down (it stops at 6pm tonight), I decided the girls needed some fresh air.

It had been raining and was still overcast, but off we went with our jackets on.

We had quite a long walk, and as they were quite happy, we kept going.  Then suddenly the heavens just opened.  I got them to some cover, and did their jackets up, but we were getting very wet.

In the end it started to tail off and we walked home.  We had a bit of a laugh about it.  I had to strip them off, and put their clothes in the tumble drier.  Lucky I had some spare.

We had pancakes for lunch, makes a change from sandwiches.

The girls found some of my colouring pictures, and asked if they could have them.  And also if I could finish some unfinished ones  for them.

So of we all went to the dining room table, where they sat happily colouring in, using some of my pens and pencils.  We sat for ages doing this.

They sat and watched some of the movie The Fox and The Hound.  Isabella found it too sad, but Mia loved it.

So another good day.

Hopefully, the weather will be better next week.  And if we stay out of lockdown, we are going for a picnic.

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