Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Happy Tired Girl!

Shopping day today. Carys has grown so much in the last year she needed new jeans and yesterday we learnt that the DM's she wears (which were my original DM's) are now too small as her toes were realysore at the end of the night. She was also looking for a couple of dresses and tops but with very specific requirements, as in the same but a size up as those she has outgrown! Well we were semi lucky with the dresses and managed to find one in the sale. We picked up a couple of pairs of jeans from Primark and then headed to Carnaby Street to look at the Dr Marten shop. Well we looked and we came out with a big box and significantly poorer. But these are an investment and if they last half as long as my first pair they will have been worth every penny. Carys also paid for a third of them.

Back to the hotel for a hour chilling before changing and heading to Pineapple for ABA. I had a catch up and coffee with one of my dance mum friends who I used to regularly see, but see much less now C is more independent with the travelling.

We picked up noodles on the way back and watched the TdF while eating them before crashing.

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