Independence Day

In honour of it being the 4th of July, I thought I should buy this chopper, restore it and then cross America in true “Easy Rider” style. Or maybe not. Not that I couldn’t restore it - I just don’t want to. Some things are probably best just left to rot quietly away.
Very lucky with the weather today - chucked it down all the way to Stafford, but stopped when we arrived. Which was a good thing because a lot of stalls and exhibits were outside. We did go into the main hall eventually. Masks were needed whilst inside and it got a bit hot after a while. Loads of gorgeous vintage motorbikes to look at though. If I could build one even half as good as the various class winners, I would be very happy. It did start to rain as we left the hall but we were able to shelter under a tree whilst we had lunch and listened to a superb singing group. Three girls who styled themselves on the Andrews Sisters and covered songs from the fifties to the seventies. Great voices, lovely harmonies and energetic dancing. It’s just a shame that the rain meant there were only a handful of us watching.
Thoughts on the actual event? It certainly felt busy, although I believe numbers were limited. No real attempt at enforcing social distancing, but didn’t actually feel “unsafe”. Being the type of event it was, probably 90% of the people there were our age or older. As such, we all walked around with the confidence of the double jabbed!
There were a lot of gaps between the various stands though, which looked like there should have been something there. Don’t know if some exhibitors decided not to bother or if they’d arrived yesterday morning, sold up by the evening and gone home, not needing a second day. I think I’d sum it by saying it felt like a car boot sale around midday - all the good stuff had gone and people just wanted to pack up and go home.
More thoughts tomorrow on what bike I might buy to restore…

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