
By Mindseye


A reasonable sleep......awake just after 5 as seems to be the ususal these days!

Came down for a cuppa and my breakfast around 8.30, usual fruit and yogurt, then watered the baskets, despite the rain they dont get particularly wet because of the garage overhang.

Hoovered and tidied round downstairs, not that it was messy....the house just doesnt seem to get untidy or as dirty anymore ? I wish it did though :-( Sent a couple of emails, uploaded the documentation I had had certified on Friday, then showered and changed, by which time it was pouring with rain.......as you can see here! Hubs solar lantern will need draining later!

Youngest and his wife came just after midday, we went to a local garden centre t needed some help to choose plants for their new pots as they are in the final stages of transforming their back garden. They also got new solar lights, a big Buddha, compost and white stones.

All back to ours, we had the hungarian glouash with rice for dinner, which went down really well, followed by sticky toffee pudding & iceream or custard if your youngest lol!
We also shared a lovely bottle of red.

It started thundering and lightening around 5 which lasted for a half hour or so, its still raining quite heavily now, its 11.15!!

Well thats the lot for,today.....at least England played fairly well and gave us something to cheer about!

Its another new week, hope youre all safe and well

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