New reality day 342

Look at my tomatoes grow!

It seems that paprika flowers will be yellow as well. But can't 100% confirm yet.

Radish flowers are light pink. I cut them and put inside into a vase. Perhaps I'll show you when they open up. They are quite pretty little flowers.

My back is still poorly. Getting better, but I'm still in pain. I sent a text to work this morning that I can be a cashier, but nothing else. I was told I can do that. I really don't mind going. I just don't wanna do anything that will make it worse.

Yesterday got me thinking a lot. I was doing that all day at work and then after. About my situation and if I should look for another job. I like the work and the hours.

For one there's the attitude towards me when I need flexibility. It doesn't seem to work, even if I am flexible towards work. So that's one thing.

Another one is that my husband and I only have 2 days off together / month because I only have 2 Sundays off per month. And seem to be always working on Saturdays. 

Third is my own health. It's a lot of heavy lifting so how long can I do that before I've broken myself? All the 30ish people working there (been doing that for about 10 years) all have back, shoulder, knee problems. Is it really worth it?

So I think I need to start looking for something that I can do without risking my health.

It would be so easy to just stay there, but I think I need to force myself to be better for me.

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