Yesterday, Today and .....

Despite the date attached to it - this is the journal for 5th July!

A full day.   Work first thing and last thing.  In between I finished clearing Ruth's room, did a little in the garden, two loads of laundry and Jamie & I cycled to the vets to sign both dogs up for the pet care plan .... and introduce them to Bella :-)    A twenty minute power nap and off to Welshpool to meet Ruth, on her way from Birmingham.  A big shop at the supermarket there filled the time between our arrivals.   

Now at home with a houseful, three of us and two dogs.   Nice :-)

Dorycnium hirsutum aka Lotus hirsutus or Canary Clover, a low shrub with soft, hairy leaves.   Raised from seed sown in 2019 in Norfolk, now settled in nicely in Wales and flowering for the first time.

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