
By Kursedtea

Best Wife in THE world!

Me that is!

Made for husband, shall be consumed in under two days (my prediction) and there are a lot of them! They nearly caused a major ruckus when I brought a batch into work - one colleague ate the last one that another colleague claimed she'd called 'dibs' on ... ;)

Easiest recipe ever!

Peanut Butter Cookies (gluten & dairy free & vegan)
1 cup (US measurement) peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Stir together, form wee balls, depress with a fork and stick 'em in the oven at 170C for TEN minutes. Wait until cooled a bit before transferring to cooling rack or they go smooshy. If you put a disc of chocolate on the top they are ... gasp ... even better!!!

So easy in fact, you can do it with a three (nearly four) year old AND a one year old at the same time!!

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