Needing a New Home

So much for trying to get rid of ‘stuff’ to the children. I gave this family of egg cups to a daughter when we downsized to the Dower House and she has just given them back to me as being surplus to her requirements.

For the life of me I can’t remember where they came from. I certainly didn’t buy them myself and think I was given them very many years ago. They need a new home now.

I’ve had an unusually sociable day with a Book Group Zoom this morning and a chatty afternoon with a friend in her flat with a wonderfully peaceful view over a school’s playing field.

It will be a busy evening for me switching channels between the tennis, cycling and the football. I’m not so interested in the latter which seems to have become more newsworthy than any other world news. What surprises me is the crush of spectators that are allowed to watch the tennis and football when the rest of us are constrained so much on the numbers front.

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