
By ThisSmuts4You

Sticker Canvas

Stepping up the game with handmade stickers. These are unfinished but beautiful even at this stage of the process. Sold through high end exclusive smut boutiques around the globe, these stickers are well on their way to being annexed by the next hot ad agency. But why? Self stickering is quickly becoming the largest perversion around. It's easy! Buy a handcrafted Smut sticker from the local dealer in a dark alley, remove undergarments and toss them on the closest roof or telephone line, cover exposed shameful area with Smut and proceed with your day. The aeronautic sticker flaps will help you glide like lube, the aromatic mixed paints will seep under your genitals to give you constant pleasure all day, even while building railroads! These are just some of the uniquely Smut patented design features that are changing the universe we traverse.

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