
Cornwall 2021 :  A fairly good journey down to the lovely Farmhouse we house sit in for friends, with a stop over in Somerset to eat our sandwiches with old friends who we haven't seen for years.  Back on the road again to find the road closed at Bodmin so we had a detour of around 10 miles over the Moor and back on to the A30.   Arrived at our lovely destination later than planned but so glad to be here.  Didn't have time  to blip and after unpacking (I seem to always bring the kitchen sink) dinner was late.  Watched a bit of Wimbledon and collapsed into bed.

It's now Wednesday and the first day of our holiday.  We slept well, awoke at 7ish full of anticipation but .....  A trip to our bathroom revealed a flood and the carpet was floating.  The loo cistern had been leaking all night.   Our lovely hosts had left a plumber's phone number which we phoned and he came to the rescue quickly.  Water pouring through the  downstairs sitting room ceiling and a very, very soggy carpet.,  Definitely  not the best way to start a holiday in someone else's property, but with a super plumber to hand, lots of mopping up and a hired dehumidifier and quite a few hours later things are under control.  

On a brighter note, the sun's out, we've brought bird seed and the birds are slowly coming back to the garden.  

Hope to be back on all systems firing shortly!

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