Morning coffee in Stan with Yola , Sean and Drake. Slept well after the car party next to me had moved on!
Morning dog walk to Goleen Pier, hot and beautiful .
Afternoon Trip to the Mizen vision which is always great, my life membership card was dusted off …..and then we were all waved through as S was deemed a VIP. Thanks lads . Afternoon of gazing at the incredible scenery and ocean, watching Drake explore and chatting with my girl, who is such a sweetie and wonderful mum.
Michelin starred dinner at Tom & Ruth’s. Always a joy to see them, tough times at the moment but still laughing . I adore their porch and now it’s a full on outdoor lounge, perfect for a mild muggy damp Irish summers evening .Hubs, if you’re reading this …. I really really really would like one !

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