
By Ronniebofa

Weight loss journey progress report 11072021

Not such a good week with gain of 0.1 lb– blame it on the new potatoes
Starting weight (25 Ma2018 = 273lb)
Today’s weight 190.4 lb
Last Sunday’s weight 191.4 lb
Average weigh last week = 191.3 lb
Average weight this week = 190.4 lb
Weight gain over the week is 0.1 lb
Note: I weigh every day first thing and calculate weight loss based on average weight for the.week

A year and fifteen weeks of lockdown and 42 weeks home from hospital since discharge after stroke and I have to report a gain of 0.1 lb over the week. It is almost a standstill but gain could have been more since most days I did not manage a calorie deficit and my input exceeded expenditure. This was due to the inclusion of new potatoes in most evening meals. They are so good and I seem to be addicted to them. The weather was not too good with below normal temperatures, rain and wind. This limited outdoor activity to going up to plots twice a day to water tomatoes in polytunnel and harvest vegetables (mainly the evil new potatoes and soft fruit (strawberries and gooseberries) for my evening meals. If it had not been for FitBit challenges and my competitive nature there is no way that I would have achieved daily goals of 10,000!steps and 5 miles. Thanks to all who participated with me in these FitBit challenges(goal day, daily challenge and bingo). If the weather improves in the coming week and I can get work done in the allotment and can resist treats and white carbs I should be able to record a small loss or standstill at worst in the coming week and that is my goal.
I hope you all have had a good week and that you are all keeping safe and fit in these uncertain times. I hope the easing of the lockdown restrictions, the possible problems posed by the new peak in COVID cases and the threat posed by new COVID variants, especially when mitigation measures are being relaxed, in my opinion wrecklesslyand too quickly, is not having too much of a detrimental effect on your scales. Keep positive and safe

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