
By stujphoto

How is Baxter settling in ?

You may remember that three weeks ago we took over the care of Baxter, an Andalusian Podenco with a somewhat chequered career. (see 24.02.13 & 17.02.13)

You may be wondering how he is settling into our family. I think my blip graphically indicates how he is establishing himself. Here he is on the sofa with Zoe, our Hungarian Vizsla using him as a pillow. (yes, we do have a rather international flavour to our dogs). Baxter is a somewhat feisty individual who has quickly exerted dominance in most areas of his life. Even with the pack of dogs (six in all) with whom we walk at the weekend he has attacked the sole male and left him somewhat cowed although he is clearly the smallest dog in the pack. He absolutely loves being out in the sand dunes on the nearby beach.

We like our dogs to experience the freedom of being off the lead and, in fact Zoe rarely has experienced being on the lead but we are a little wary with Baxter as we know with a previous owner he has disappeared for two hours at time. No doubt we will bite the bullet sometime soon but maybe when the weather is a bit kinder.

He is clearly a highly strung dog who is wary of males and I have to be careful not to threaten him in any way when I approach him but for all that he is affectionate and wanting lots of cuddles. He is as the blip illustrates quite a demanding and attention-seeking dog. He is undoubtedly going to be quite a character and we are making the necessary adjustments that all humans have to when there is a 'top dog' in the house

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