
We met Andrea and Pete at the Simonside car park and enjoyed the 5.5 miles up through the woods, the red road, the steep face to the cairn then along the tops to Lordenshaws and back down the road. I feel quite tired which is disappointing but we enjoyed our catch-up and were surprised that we’d last met on 31 March for the Murder Cleugh walk.

You will not believe this - but maybe you will! - as the whole project seems jinxed. We went over to have curry with Chris last night to find her hobbling badly. The dogs had knocked her over and her knee got injured in the fall. So the Dales Way walk is postponed yet again. She saw GP this am and he says it is ligaments and she should do squats. She says he knows his stuff as he used to be a football pro. She’s having a laugh.

I’m reading the Ben Pimlott biography of Harold Wilson. 734 pages. I need strengthening arm exercises to hold it up.

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