Meet Our New Green Friend!

My husband called me out to the front porch first thing in the morning: "Look at this green bug!" So T. Tiger and I took my camera and out we went to meet the bug.

This, my friends, is a katydid, and it was a very friendly one. T. Tiger sat down and had a little chat with it. He was pretty good about it all, until the antennas (or "antenners" as he likes to call them) got too close, and then he felt a little uncomfortable, and backed up a step or two.

T. Tiger loved the bug, and wanted to invite it to live with us. Now, clearly, it already lives here, as it was hanging out on the front porch. But he meant LIVE LIVE with us, as in . . . come on in, pardner, and become an indoor sort of bug!

Well, that just wasn't in the plans, but we did fully enjoy the few minutes we spent with our new friend!

Our soundtrack song for this marvelous bug, with a full-on facial view, is Pete Townshend, with A Friend Is a Friend.

P.S. Also of note: for those who read yesterday's story of the family reunion, Operation Cookie Drop, and the horrible drive home through a terrible storm. . . . The National Weather Service has confirmed that a microburst, with winds around 110 miles per hour, comparable to an EF-1 tornado, passed through Poe Valley, which is within a few miles of where we were driving on route 322 over the Seven Mountains at 7:30 pm on Sunday night. Yikes!!! That was a close one, and we are fortunate to be alive! More than 50 trees were felled. There were few campers, as it was a Sunday night; had the event occurred on a Saturday night, most surely, someone would have been killed. News stories: here's one, here's another one, and here's a third one ("I knew I was going to die").

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