Help the Aged

A new pair of socks for the gym. Obviously aimed at those of us in our dotage as, in spite of a logo which clearly indicates which is the “outside” of each sock, the manufacturers have felt it necessary to mark them “L” and “R”. I remember things like wellies being marked in such a manner when I was a small child and still learning left from right. Didn’t expect I’d need similar markings now I’m in my sixties, but I guess every little helps - one less decision to make when getting dressed!
Unlike previous socks, these also make all sorts of claims about support, comfort, wicking (whatever that is) and freshness. Not having been for a long run in them yet, I’m afraid I cannot speak for the veracity of those claims. Certainly, they’ve coped with an hour in the gym, but that’s not exactly the most arduous of tests.
In other exciting news, the joiner introduced us to a tiler tonight - the final tradesman we needed! He likes our plans and is happy to do the job - the only worry is how much damage might occur when the old glass tiles are removed. It could well be September before he can start, but we’re going to order the tiles straight away as he’s got a job scheduled for August which he suspects is going to slip, so he might be able to fit us in then.
And tomorrow we need to disappear to Chester for a couple of days. It’s mum’s birthday on Thursday but - more pertinently - we are unlikely to have access to a bed for the next couple of nights whilst the framework for the new wardrobe is assembled, so staying at home is not an option!
In preparation for all that, our living room now contains most of the bedroom furniture and all our clothes. Let us hope we’ll be able to return them to the bedroom shortly as it’s already starting to feel a bit claustrophobic in here!

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