Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Purple brain

Purple brain, purple brain
Purple brain, purple brain
Purple brain, purple brain
I only wanted to see you
Underneath the purple brain

Actually it’s cauliflower of course. Rather delicious too. Lovely supper as the sun set slowly in the West (where else?). End of a very busy day of mostly gardening. Did have a lovely hour over coffee with Strider and started reading The Impossible Office by Anthony Sheldon (a history of the office of prime minister since Walpole). 

Really nice weather. Beginning of a sunny spell apparently, set to last a couple of weeks. 

Disgraceful social media racism directed at England’s black football players attracting widespread comment. I would make it a serious crime punishable with hefty fines and imprisonment. Who and where do these people think they are? We were talking to our neighbour, who is black and who of course has had a lifetime of it. Sad stuff. 

It’s not enough to not be racist in this world. You have to be positively anti-racist as well. Enough.

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