Abstract Thursday - Lines

Earlier bus taken to town so that I could walk the rest of the way to the choir venue.  Boy it was warm today!  Spotted this fencing around the school en route which I thought would do for the theme of “lines” for today’s Abstract Thursday challenge.  Photos also taken of the running track and the lines of seating at the cricket ground, but decided this one was the most fitting.  A good sing with songs chosen at random by choir members - leader C’s voice still hoarse from shouting at the TV during the Euros football final!  On a more serious note several choir members had been cancelling during the week due to having to self isolate. Not good for C if this continues as it affects his income. Heard of 5 more friends today who now have Covid - 3 of whom seem to have caught it whilst away on holiday, one from their school aged child, and the other at work. Can only imagine that things may get worse after more freedom is allowed next week!  

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