The haggis ceremony

Today I went to the Scottish fair here in Gent where I spent a lovely afternoon. I didn't want to carry around too much weight so I'd only taken the compact camera with me. Out of all the photos I've taken, I like this one of the haggis ceremony the best so I chose it for today's blip.

The fair was being held at the same park where I walk the dogs from the sanctuary and when I left I walked past the large pond where I spotted a Heron at the far end. Unfortunately it was too far away to get even a half decent shot with my compact camera. Hopefully I'll see him there again soon.

Even though I've sat down most of the time at the fair, I feel more tired now than I do on other days after an hour's walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary and I intend to do little as possible for the rest of the evening.

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