
Number 47 in the Elmer Trail around Maidstone. This one is in Mote Park and represents the discovery of a disease resistant elm tree. The extra is of a strange insect we spotted down by the lake.

It is sponsored by Gallagher’s, which has more than a touch of irony in that they’re a construction company noted for their aggressive pursuit of any development opportunities in the area.

One of Gallagher’s actions was to increase the rent they charged the Council for a park and ride site so making it uneconomical. They’ve now built houses on the site.

Very hot again today. We had an early stroll, me taking slowly as I build up strength and Susan because her right knee keeps clicking. A right pair of old codgers.

After that we laid low, clouds built up to the south and there was thunder in the air as storms slipped by. Hot and still outside at 20.50. The possibility of storms for the next two or three days.

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