
By Mo

Short but sweet

Nice lazy, sunny morning with the kids playing at the park and the grown-ups taking it in turns to amble around Bakewell. I bought some new ice lolly moulds at the Cook Shop - rocket shapes, woohoo! And of course we sampled the obligatory Bakewell tart.

A drink in the beer garden, then time for fond farewells to our pals before we start the long (very long) journey home. We decided we'd all go to Skye next year, would be nice but perhaps a bit far?

We stopped off for a break at a service station. The joys. George's eye was caught by these rides on the way in and I promised him a ride on one on the way out if he was good. But when it actually came to it, he didn't like either Bananas in Pyjamas or Bill & Ben. Andrew wasn't impressed either.

We all really enjoyed our visit, was great to catch up with the pals and their lovely kids. I just wish we could have had a bit longer.

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