Tipping Point

Bringing all the olive and shade cloths down from the other building, need to decide now what we'll use for shade on the frames Mike's built to east and west of the house... (That's Gracie's cherry tree on the right.)

I later used the wheelbarrow to start bringing the olive wood down from various parts of the Land, need to stack it somewhere accessible, but not visible to thieves, and far enough away to not be a fire risk to the house... a conundrum.

A few days ago I finished a book which has really made me think, especially combined with the Old Testament prophets I'm reading at the moment. Leave the World Behind, by Rumaan Alam isn't a book to read if you just want entertainment; there's not really a storyline, no satisfying ending, and the main character isn't a person; it's the house the people shelter in. But definitely a book to make one ponder.

Something terrible has happened in the world, they don't really know what; the book is about asking ourselves what we'd do in this situation. And about how we ignore all the warning signs, as long as our own life is OK. Here's a quote from the last paragraph:

… She was only a girl, but the world still held something, and that mattered. Maybe her parents would cry over what they didn't know and what they did, which was that they were together (wish we were together with our family, maybe we should be?). … If they didn't know how it would end - with night, with more terrible noise from the top of Olympus, with bombs, with disease (this was published before Covid!), with blood, with happiness, with deer or something else watching them from the darkened woods - well, wasn't that true of every day?

The world does feel very threatened at the moment if you're paying any attention at all, look at these photos for a start. Not to mention Covid, riots, war, refugees, and crowds supporting evil leaders.

How then to live?? It's a question worth thinking about...

- all the world still holds: birds and music and trees and beauty
- enough food and water for this day
- that Mike and I are together, thanks so much for all your best wishes for our anniversary yesterday, grateful for the togetherness on Blip as well!

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