Better Late Than Never!

So "The Amigos" came today to celebrate Mike's birthday two weeks after the event. It was absolutely fantastic to have them all here again after so long. We seem to have acquired a second priest in the group - Padre Mário; that's him with the beard on the right, and what a great addition he is.

Carina, Ricardo's fiancée (that's her behind Padre Luís), even made a brigadeiro cake for Mike. Her daughter, Maria Clara, was so excited about the candles spelling Happy Birthday in English, see extra.

It's now gone midnight (again). Mike is still washing up; takes me longer to Blip. The Amigos who live nearer (the Padres had an hour and a half to get home) wanted to help, but best not to have them in the house. Still very hot, but a cool shower should sort us. Afraid comments will have to wait, at least I'm using my finger again, should have more time tomorrow. Thanks so much for all your appreciation for yesterday and best wishes for our anniversary.

- this amazing group of friends, never ceases to amaze me that such a diverse group (in age, nationality, religion, occupation) are such good friends
- that we were ready in time, and the place was relatively tidy
- the food all turning out well; I especially liked the white chocolate ice-cream, and there's loads of everything left for another visitor on Wednesday

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