Windmill 'De Vrijheid', Schiedam

'Vrijheid = 'VRAI-HEIGHT' = 'freedom'.  Built in 1785, this windmill was actually named in celebration of the independence of the United States of America in 1776.  One can simply imagine what an impact that one event made throughout the world, even in a tiny (although quite wealthy) country like this one.  I have the feeling that many Americans still fail to grasp the significance of their own independence in the wide world, and might actually benefit from a bit more knowledge about above-mentioned wide world.  But!... that's a lecture for another time, if ever.

The third of eight in Schiedam.  Whilst shooting this, I couldn't help but take another look at another one, close by, the tallest in the world... which will be shot at an appropriate moment, maybe in celebration of something, like a birthday or a victory.  In terms of height, though, this certainly did not disappoint.

I left the house mid-afternoon, thinking it would be a simple cruise to another town, Bodegraven.  However, two things got in the way.  First, there was a massive jam on both the A20 and the A12 owing to a traffic accident -- I saw the poor motorcycle, as I cautiously followed the line, mangled like a twisted paperclip.  I sure hope the driver survived, although I'm positive he must have had a number of serious bruises.  Second, upon arrival in Bodegraven, the windmill, which is standing next to the river, was facing the river, so I had to cross the river for a good shot, but then was blocked by all the houses along the waterfront, with no 'public area' from which to enjoy the water, which would have meant my having to knock on a few doors for permission to enter backyards and private terraces, piers and boardwalks, and I doubt I would have been accommodated, especially with the still ever-present COVID risk as well as due to suspicion of 'strange folk' who might be snooping around with such novel excuses as windmill photography.  Will return to Bodegraven another time.

I was so close to Alphen aan de Rijn, so thought of doing one there, but I hadn't planned to enter Alphen from the N11, where I was, and the mills were much further away, so I simply made a U-turn and got back to the A12 and A20, and drove on to Schiedam, which I didn't really want to do, because I don't fancy using Schiedam all the time as a cop-out... as though I would run out!  Once I'm done there, goodness knows I will still have so many others to choose from, at least as things are right now.

There's an extra.

The afternoon having lasted longer than I had planned, I decided to skip the supermarket for tomorrow.  A sunny, tiring, and utterly beautiful day.

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