It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Rest Day

Well Sunday I felt great with no pain but since Monday my back has been quite bad again. I’ve made an appointment at my new doctors for Friday as I really don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t find a pattern to the pain or twinges and last night it even hurt going upstairs which I’ve not had before. Work was a struggle I have to say, It feels like my back is going to get stuck and I’m scared I just might not be able to move! So my day of unpaid rest is going to be just that. I’ve just made my little bee and insect house I got from the national trust last week. I’ve glued it all so I’ll wait for it to dry then I’ll put it in the back garden and see what takes up residence.
On a different note for those of you who have Netflix You must watch Virgin River! It’s utterly fantastic. Funny, Romantic, Emotional and just a darn good watch that will raise your spirits. I have to say I sobbed uncontrollably at the end of season 3 as it’s a little poignant with what’s happened to my family but just so well acted and made and I can’t recommend it enough.

Draco….. Back to square one…..

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