Two Thirty

Just got back from having a molar extracted so not feeling too chipper.
Took this photograph in strong sunlight but put up an umbrella first.

In the week before the first lockdown last year l had a nagging feeling in a tooth.
 Because we were shielding  ( we had already made up our own rules at that stage and because l couldn’t leave Mr P, l didn’t go to the dentist )
Didn’t think at the time that it would be a year before l had an appointment though.
Fortunately it never turned into full blown toothache in that time.
My own dentist thought it would be a complicated extraction so l was referred to an orthodontist in Leeds.
Had my appointment a couple of weeks ago but would you believe it , there was a fire in the basement and all appointments were cancelled, then rearrange.
So today my lovely, supportive daughter and Verity took me to Huddersfield and it’s finally out.
Will be not be commenting tonight so please don’t feel you have to comment here.
Expect to be back to my old self tomorrow.
Just had a bowl of ice cream so there are some perks :-)

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