Three for the price of One

All three water lilies emerged in the pond today, a beautiful sight.

We also found a larva case from what we think was a dragonfly. One of the reasons for having a pond was to see dragonflies emerge. I haven't seen one yet.

A gentle breeze and some cloud cover kept the temperature down today. It was more comfortable than yesterday. Tomorrow may be a different story.

I attended a Zoom seminar today put on by Trade Secrets Live. Asher Svidensky spoke eloquently about storytelling with photography and gave some very down to earth advice. He was in the military from 2009-2012, I assume the Russian military, although I gather a lot of young Russian men manage to avoid conscription.

I'd seen some of his photos previously. He's a super photographer. Not because he's technically skilled but because he really thinks about what he is doing and how he is going to achieve it.

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