
When I was in Vietnam the pollution and the humidity combined to make the most incredible light, throughout the entire day.

My the light was beautiful this morning! 

Tonight we had the sun, the moon, crepuscular rays, and clouds a lovely color that I don't know the name of.

This is a view out my home office window. 

How many government workers does it take to write a memo?
It turns out to be more than I can count. 
I have never written a document with so many co-authors. 
It is ok, it is just new to me. And I've always been rigid with deadlines, so when I was told she needed to have this Monday morning OOB (opening of business)....I thought she needed to have this Monday morning. But it is ok, it is just ... different. 

I got to meet co-workers. One is in from South Africa so a few of us got together for dinner - outdoors - with her. I rode the metro, which was made much easier by seeing a sign that said they recirculate the air every three minutes. Oddly, there is higher face mask compliance during "rush hour" than during other hours. 

I work with passionate, fascinating, good people. 

I tried a little street photography on my way in and out, in the extras. One of them is just perfectly in tune with my sense of humor. 

ring the bell
Remember "ring your bell" means get knocked on the head too hard AND "ring my bell" means attract or sexually satisfy someone? "Ring the bell" also means to cause to remember. How do we communicate in this language? 

"Socialize a concept" means introduce the concept to a bunch of people. I never heard this before 2018. Has it always been used this way?

"Being stood up" - I bet you thought that this was when two people were supposed to go out on a date and one of them didn't show and didn't call ahead of time. Ok, it does. It also refers to a program or an institution being "set up" or created, implemented, instituted. 

This one so confused me that I called the person and asked about it. It turned out to be a really good thing I did. A Senate employee "foot stomped" something. So I thought this meant he hated it and I didn't understand what about the idea was so bad! It turns out the person meant that the employee LOVED it and was signaling that love for it by being emphatic. 

Cailleach, thank you for hosting wild Wednesday. 

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