Feeling Better.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my blip yesterday.  You are all very kind.

So, this morning was our coldest in a very long time.  It was 6c when I got up, and had gone down to 3c during the night.

I know it's not cold in comparison to some countries.  But in this part of Australia we have no heating in our houses.

My husband succumbed to putting a radiator in his study today.  But in the rest of the house, which is open plan, it's almost a bit pointless.

We have put a radiator in the sitting room before.  But the only ones who get the benefit are the cats!

So when Mia arrived, we decided to sit and watch a movie until it was warmer to go out.

We watched Beauty and the Beast.  She didn't like it much, she said it was too scary.

Then we went for a walk to try and find some nature pieces for Isabella to take to school.  And we actually got so warm, we took our jackets off.

We found some pretty red leaves, twigs, gum nuts and feathers.  Mia was happy to ride her scooter for a while.  But then I ended up carrying it.

She's a lot better today, back to her cheeky self.  It's amazing how fast some antibiotics work.

In other news.  We have to continue to wear masks, for another week.

And the border to NSW has been shut again, for a month.

This means Mia's other grandparents wont be able to come up for her birthday party on Sunday.

And I may have to look after Mia, for 5 days.  As they many not be able to come up for their 2 days.

I'll manage.  At least we can get out and about, and not stuck inside.

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